Electrical Remodeling

Let Our Experts Handle The Permit Process

With over 30 years of experience serving Southern California, our electricians in San Diego understand the importance of obtaining the correct permits for each job. We prioritize the proper paperwork to ensure compliance and prevent any potential issues. By entrusting our experts, you can rely on a seamless permit process for your home, avoiding future complications and providing peace of mind for home inspectors and realtors.

Questions about how we can help illuminate your home and property with luxury lighting applications? Contact our office today. We’ll manage all of your home electrical and remodeling additions from creative design to full functionality and enhanced safety.


Now this is the fun part! Our team is dedicated to creative and energizing solutions for home lighting improvement. We provide lighting solutions for both indoor and outdoor functionality and help set the mood with our variety of color options and design expertise. Here’s some of what we do for home luxury lighting additions:

  • LED recess lighting

  • Advanced Lighting Controls

  • Lighting Automation (iPad/Smart Phone Control)